
Privacy Policy

The privacy of your personal information is a priority for us at Ripples Investing & Consultancy Services Pty Ltd (RICS Pty Ltd) and its Australian subsidiaries (together, RICS Pty Ltd, Sustainability Ledger, we or us). We respect your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and we are committed to complying with the Privacy Act’s requirements for collecting and managing your personal information.

1. Dealing with Personal Information

When you make contact with Sustainability Ledger, you usually have to identify yourself by providing your personal information. We may not be able to do business with you or answer your inquiry if we are not able to identify you.

2. The kinds of information we collect and hold

Depending on the type of service relationship you have with us, we may collect and hold a range of different kinds of personal information about you. This may include your name, current address, telephone number, email address, utility billing/consumption information, appliance usage information, and information about the services provided to you.

3. How we collect your personal information

Directly from you : We collect this information from you during sign-up or subscription to our services either via our mobile apps or website. Unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so, we try to collect your personal information directly from you. We may also contact you through our website, by social media, by telephone, through letters and emails, or in person.

From third parties : We may also collect personal or utility/ billing information about your account from third parties, including our agents or utility providers, retailers, or suppliers, with whom we have business relationships.

4. Why we collect your personal information

We collect your personal information so we can identify you to provide customized resource efficiency services to you as described in the relevant Collection Statement.

5. When we disclose your information to or collect your information from a third party

  • We may disclose your personal information to third parties in the conduct of our business. If third parties act on our behalf, we ask them to hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
  • We may disclose your personal information to other third parties (often referred to as service providers) that we relate with for the purposes of providing our services. These third parties include information technology suppliers, electricity and gas retail companies, meter reading, and maintenance contractors, mailing and logistics providers, entities for whom we act or provide functions, government and regulatory authorities, and our professional advisors (such as engineers, statisticians, accountants, auditors, and lawyers).
  • These third parties may provide us with personal information they have collected from you in the course of providing relevant products or services.

6. How we hold and keep secure your information

  • Securing your information
  • We store information in different ways, including in hardcopy and electronic form.
    Our security safeguards include:

    • technical solutions, security controls, and internal processes to help us protect your information from misuse, interference, loss or unauthorized access, modification or disclosure;
    • confidentiality requirements for employees, volunteers, and contractors;
    • document storage security policies, systems, and site access restrictions; and
    • website security systems, including firewalls and data encryption on our websites (see our Terms of Use at www.originenergy.com.au/terms for details).

    7. Our websites

    • Your Protection: Our Privacy Policy applies to the use of our websites, and to any personal information you provide via our websites.
    • Information we collect: We may collect information from our websites that is not personal information, because it does not reveal your identity. We may use or disclose that information to try to locate a person where we believe unlawful or inappropriate activity has occurred in connection with our website, or when required or authorized by law.
    • How we use cookies: We or a third party engaged by us may send a “cookie” to recognise your computer and greet you each time you visit any of our websites.
    • The cookies are used to:

    • review traffic patterns on our website;
    • advertise and target our services on a website; and
    • review customer interest in our online advertising.
    • How to opt out of receiving cookies: If you do not wish to receive cookies or publicly available advertising identifiers provided by operating systems like iOS and Android, you can set your browser or device to opt out.
    • Why we log trends: We may log IP addresses to review trends, manage our websites, track users’ movements and gather broad information on users.

    8. Accessing and correcting your information

    • Ensuring your information is correct: We rely on the personal and consumption (meter-related) information that we receive to provide our services. We take reasonable steps to make sure the personal and consumption related information we collect, use and disclose about you is correct, complete and relevant for the purpose for which we collect it.
    • Providing you with access to your information: When you request information we hold about you, we will try to provide you with a way to access it. For example, we may make the information available at our offices, or we may post or email it to you.
    • Correcting your information: If you believe that any personal or consumption related information we hold about you is not correct, out-of-date, incomplete, or misleading, then you may ask us to correct it using the contact details in section 10. We will consider whether the information requires correction and notify you of our review.
    • Telling a third party about a correction: If we correct any personal information, you may ask us to notify a third party of that correction. We will take reasonable steps to do so.

    9. How to make a complaint

    • Contact us : If you believe that your privacy has been breached or you have a complaint about our handling of your personal or consumption-related information, please contact us using the details below. We will investigate your complaint and provide you with a response.
    • Contact a dispute resolution provider : If you are not satisfied with our response, then you may lodge a formal complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (www.oaic.gov.au). If your complaint relates to consumption related information, you may also make a complaint to a third party dispute resolution provider instead of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. We will tell you who the dispute resolution provider is when we write to you about your consumption related complaint.
    • For privacy complaints or enquiries about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us:
    • Any questions: If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact us using the Contact Us page on our website (under development).
    • Different format of this policy: If you wish to access this policy in a different format, please contact us using the email or postal address below.
    • Our Privacy Department: If you feel your complaint or question is not being handled appropriately, please contact us with contact details on our website (under development).

    10. Children’s Privacy

    The Sustainability Ledger platform / application / website (software) does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to create an account. However, children or teenagers between the ages of 13-18 living in the same home address, may be granted access to their parents' or guardians' Sustainability Ledger account as co-users, but no personal data about them is collected. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us immediately.

    11. How to contact us

    You can contact us :

    • By website as an existing customer: If you are an existing customer, you can contact us through your user account.
    • By telephone or post: Alternatively, you can call us on 0449524205 or write to us at:
      Sustainability Ledger
      81-83 Campbell Street
      Surry Hills, NSW, 2010, Australia

    12. Changes to our Privacy Policy

    When we change our Privacy Policy, we update it on our website and mobile applications. Visit our website regularly to review our Privacy Policy for changes.